The Daily Things We Do...
Each day holds its adventures & "magical" moments. The following photos capture some of the things you would find if you happen to "drop in" on us here at home. We don't get many of those kinds of visits living so far out here in the country, but we'll just pretend you're here for a visit this once :)
P.S. I apologize for the pictures that aren't clear...alas it's called, lots of people playing with the new camera :)
Justin helping with dishes
Yard up keep that comes from having more specifics
Rounding up Cows
Never too young to start 'em on cleaning
Practice makes perfect
Doesn't she make a lovely bride?
Big brother "wanna be's"
"I love Football"
Here kitty, kitty
"It doesn't get much better than this"
How do these work again?
Hmmm...what could be so interesting?
Climbing trees
Isn't this fun?!
Preparing the minds of tomorrow's Einsteins
And learning some "practical" skills
Say "cheese"
These last two aren't of our current "everyday life" but in the fall semester...this is much of what we do...attend football games :)
P.S. I apologize for the pictures that aren't clear...alas it's called, lots of people playing with the new camera :)
Justin helping with dishes
Yard up keep that comes from having more specifics
Rounding up Cows
Never too young to start 'em on cleaning
Practice makes perfect
Doesn't she make a lovely bride?
Big brother "wanna be's"
"I love Football"
Here kitty, kitty
"It doesn't get much better than this"
How do these work again?
Hmmm...what could be so interesting?
Climbing trees
Isn't this fun?!
Preparing the minds of tomorrow's Einsteins
And learning some "practical" skills
Say "cheese"
These last two aren't of our current "everyday life" but in the fall semester...this is much of what we do...attend football games :)