Football & Politics
Last Thursday, the Patriots had their toughest game this season! The fans screamed until their throats were sore while the team played their hearts out. We were down 40-23 at half time. Something amazing happened to the guys in "round two"...they out scored the opposing team 42 to 6 but were down by a point with three minutes left to go in the game. We held our breath and saw a victory that was fought for every step of the way. The amazing thing to watch was the atmosphere of acceptance that no matter the outcome, these young men and exuberant fans were ready to praise the Lord. Seeing the encouragement being spoken on the sidelines and the prayers being said blessed all our hearts. It is truly amazing to be involved with a team who's main goal is to please our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and who has fun playing football in the mean time. A special thing about this particular game was the chance to take a team bus ride! Lots of memories, laughter and fun :)
Saturday, Anthony played a JV game but I took our camera to a wedding only to find out once I got there that the battery had died! So, no pictures of that game or the wedding! But the JV team won the morning game with a final score of 65-26...Anthony breaking a team record in the mean time :) After various ones of us running to and fro for the day, we met up out in New Braunfels for a Campaign "kick-off" party. Representative Nathan Macias is at it once again...the primaries start in March so this party was getting everyone geared up for the the campaign trail. We were a part of a small ensemble group got together and rehearsed some patriotic music for the past several weeks and performed at the party...what a blast! Please pray for the Macias's not easy being in a place of leadership. They are a dear family that strives to please the Lord with their lives and we are proud to stand behind them as they enter the political battle.
Saturday, Anthony played a JV game but I took our camera to a wedding only to find out once I got there that the battery had died! So, no pictures of that game or the wedding! But the JV team won the morning game with a final score of 65-26...Anthony breaking a team record in the mean time :) After various ones of us running to and fro for the day, we met up out in New Braunfels for a Campaign "kick-off" party. Representative Nathan Macias is at it once again...the primaries start in March so this party was getting everyone geared up for the the campaign trail. We were a part of a small ensemble group got together and rehearsed some patriotic music for the past several weeks and performed at the party...what a blast! Please pray for the Macias's not easy being in a place of leadership. They are a dear family that strives to please the Lord with their lives and we are proud to stand behind them as they enter the political battle.